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Christopher Columbus believed the world was flat.

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Christopher Columbus believed the world was flat. His mission was to sail off the edge of the world, and land on the moon.
During his journey, 2 of his other ships fell victim to giant lobsters and giant clams.
Rather than the moon, Columbus landed in Indiana, where he started the world’s first mini-mart, which we know today as Walmart.
Another Fun Fact from Mr. Science.1 đź‘Ť

Man of Steel and World War Z movie reviews:

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The following is my review of the Superman movie “Man of Steel”. Earth to Superman: Please don’t save us! This orgy of explosions and collapsing buildings, completely abandoned one of the main principles of the real Superman and all super-heroes: Don’t let innocent people get killed while you’re fighting the bad guys. Now that I think of it, preventing harm to innocent bystanders is a common standard of police, firemen, teachers, marching bands, pole dancers, and pretty much anybody, except for politicians.

At the end of the movie, Superman and Lois Lane are alone enjoying a romantic moment, surrounded by nothing but leveled buildings as far as the eye can see. Besides the destructive fisticuffs, maybe the addition of trying to save the world by creating a black hole wasn’t such a good idea either. Is there ever a time when a black hole helps?

I must say that the people who made this film don’t really know much about anything. One more little example: Clark Kent was raised in the state of Kansas. To emphasize this, in one scene, Clark wears a t-shirt representing the Kansas City Royals baseball team. Kansas City Royals are located in the state of Missouri, not Kansas. I give this movie 4 slaps to the forehead.

Also, here’s my quick review of World War Z. Good movie, go see it. I give it 3½ Zombie bites. By the way, the scene where Zombies are climbing over each other to get to the other side of a wall was done before in this Billy Idol video:

You’re welcome. 👍