Superman did not gain his full powers until after his Bar Mitzvah. Another Fun Fact from Mr. Science.
1 đź‘ŤSuperman teaches his young Superson to cross the street.
They look left, no car coming.
They look right, no car coming.
As soon as they step into the street, a truck falls on top of them.
Superman look up to the sky, and says: “Very funny, Supergirl.”0 👍
When Superman first arrived on Earth, he feared traffic signals because he thought they were Kryptonite.
Green is lethal, Red removes his super powers, and surprisingly he feared Yellow Kryptonite the most because it would make him pregnant.
Eventually, Batman explained the traffic signals to Superman…and the birds and the bees.
Another Fun Fact from Mr. Science.1 đź‘Ť
I have seen all of the previous Batman and Superman movies, even though I didn’t expect them to be good, but I will not watch the latest Batman vs. Superman. Just from watching the movie trailer, I can see that this movie is bad and doesn’t come close to representing the real Batman and Superman, or any of the other DC characters.
Creators of this movie used Batman and Superman characters as an excuse to make up some story whose characters could have easily been replaced with Donald Trump vs. Rosie O’Donnell. They figured by just throwing a couple of capes onto the screen, millions will flock to see this misrepresentation.
They try tempting me with an Amazon wielding rope, but I still won’t shell out money for this sham. Only way I might possibly watch it, is when it comes out on network TV during a Christmas Special.
Smartphones are nothing new. During Neanderthal times, a villager by the name of Uug, who wanted to make smoke signals easier to use, invented the compact smoke signal apparatus, which could fit in the palm of the hand. Unfortunately, this invention was a safety hazard, causing men’s beards to catch on fire. Uug was banished from his tribe.
Uug was frustrated in living in such an unsophisticated world, and only eating pebbles for breakfast. So he built a spaceship that took him to the planet Krypton. The red sun from that solar system gave him super powers, and he became a super hero. But only one week later, Krypton exploded, and no one knows what became of Supperuug. Fortunately, Krypton’s tragedy gave Earth our own Superman, thank Rao.
Another fun fact from Mr. Science.0 đź‘Ť
Did you know that the center of the ‪‎moon’s hard surface consists of chewy chocolate? You could say the moon is the original ‪‎tootsie pop.
Although the moon is not really made of green cheese, it’s unique blend of limestone and ‪‎kryptonite, does make the moon’s surface taste like green cheese.
Don’t believe me? Next time you’re at the ‪‎Smithsonian, take a small bite out a moon rock, while the security guard is not looking.
Unless you’re ‪‎Superman, ha ha ha.
Another fun fact from Mr. ‪‎Science.0 👍
The following is my review of the Superman movie “Man of Steel”. Earth to Superman: Please don’t save us! This orgy of explosions and collapsing buildings, completely abandoned one of the main principles of the real Superman and all super-heroes: Don’t let innocent people get killed while you’re fighting the bad guys. Now that I think of it, preventing harm to innocent bystanders is a common standard of police, firemen, teachers, marching bands, pole dancers, and pretty much anybody, except for politicians.
At the end of the movie, Superman and Lois Lane are alone enjoying a romantic moment, surrounded by nothing but leveled buildings as far as the eye can see. Besides the destructive fisticuffs, maybe the addition of trying to save the world by creating a black hole wasn’t such a good idea either. Is there ever a time when a black hole helps?
I must say that the people who made this film don’t really know much about anything. One more little example: Clark Kent was raised in the state of Kansas. To emphasize this, in one scene, Clark wears a t-shirt representing the Kansas City Royals baseball team. Kansas City Royals are located in the state of Missouri, not Kansas. I give this movie 4 slaps to the forehead.
Also, here’s my quick review of World War Z. Good movie, go see it. I give it 3½ Zombie bites. By the way, the scene where Zombies are climbing over each other to get to the other side of a wall was done before in this Billy Idol video:
You’re welcome.0 👍
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