HIM: Want to see a movie?
HER: Yeah, Yesterday.
HIM: Wow, you really do want to see a movie. What movie do you want to see Friday?
HER: Yesterday is Friday.
HIM: No, yesterday was Wednesday.
HER: No, Yesterday is on Friday. I want to see Yesterday, tomorrow.
HIM: You want to see a movie tomorrow?
HER: Yesterday.
HIM: We can’t see a movie yesterday! It already passed.
HER: But Yesterday is tomorrow.
HIM: Okay, fine! You go see yesterday, tomorrow!
HER: So, you don’t want to see Yesterday with me?
HIM: I can’t see Yesterday, and you can’t see Yesterday, either!
HER: Really! Well, I’m just going by myself to see Yesterday, tomorrow.
HIM: I’m sorry, honey. Let’s not argue. Listen, they’re playing our song: ♪♫…Eight days a week…♫♪
What you said