Hey restaurants! If you add a little bit of olive oil to any of your food items, you can fax your orders to your customers.
Another Fun Fact from Mr. Science.
The can opener was invented seven years after canned food.
Another Fun Fact from Mr. Science.
New Indian-Pakistani Restaurant called “Madam Curry”. Where the food is not just good, it’s radioactive.0 👍
You know those pagers they give you at restaurants to let you know your food is ready with its flashing lights and vibrating?
Well, I just found out it’s not cool to pretend that you’re being electrocuted.0 👍
Chewing your food thoroughly is good, but you shouldn’t overdue it.
27,000 years ago a man named Charlie Gastronomicus was known for his excessive chewing habits, sometimes breaking food particles down to the molecular level.
One day, Charlie went too far and split an atom, causing a black hole to emerge from within him, and swallowing up the great continent of Atlantis.
Another Fun Fact from Mr. Science.1 👍
Stand-up Comedy every Wednesday at SF Mayes Oyster House!
December 11, 2024
Mayes Oyster House
San Francisco
Pro Am Showcase at Laughs Unlimited Comedy Club!
December 17, 2024
Laughs Unlimited
HellaGayComedy Open Mic! $100 for Best Set of the Evening!
December 18, 2024
Mayes Oyster House
San Francisco
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