I like Candlestick Park. But now we have to get a new stadium because some whiners say: “Ooh, Candlestick Park is too cold, and there’s no Wi-Fi, my smartphone won’t work.”
Tell you what you can do. Get yourself a nice big antenna, and shove it straight up you’re a##. Then get yourself a cup of soy latte, and you’ll feel like you’re in a coffee shop. Then you can tell everyone: “Look at me! I’m my own coffee shop! I’m my own coffee shop!”
Now shut up. I’m watching the game.
If you want to know what I think of the new stadium, read this: Taking it in the End Zone
I loved candlestick, and the cold weather that goes with being a “san Francisco” 49er fan! I hate that we moved to santa clara. It was the first biggest mistake the franchise made so far… besides the awful new santa clara stadium. Its a total dud! Boo to santa clara.